Sleep Sprite and The Dream Bag: Bedtime Magic is more than a story you read to young kids at night; its a magical new approach to getting children to enjoy bedtime and want to sleep The story is told to children through the voice of their own sleep sprite - a magical creature from Cloud Castle who visits them each night. Their job is to offer comfort, inspire dreams, protect against dreaded bedtime monsters and deliver the Sandman's bedtime message: "good boys and girls sleep the whole night through". The subtle promise of a surprise reward from Cloud Castle for good bedtime behavior offers motivation for children to look forward to a full night of sleep. Receipt of a small treat, handwritten note from the Sandman or a warm "Cloud Castle hug" with praise from mom or dad after a successful night acts as positive reinforcement and promotes the same good behavior each night. Thanks to sleep sprite, the bedtime routine is now an activity children (and parents) can actually get excited about
In the end, the true magic for parents and young children, alike, is experienced when sleep sprite begins to take on a life of its own; traveling beyond the pages of the book to become a "real" member of the family. At this point, sleep sprite bedtime magic can work without parents being required to read the book each night. Sleep sprite and the messages it promotes simply continue to exist in the imaginations of children.
This truly is a magical new apporach to getting children to sleep. Every parent who experiences bedtime struggles should try it