"Saath ensured communities understood not just their rights when it came to basic services but also their responsibilities. With three decades of experience in partnerships for equitable and rights-based urban development, Saath is well positioned not just to be a player, important as that is, but to also be a resource agency, a teacher and a guru, sharing its successes and failures to other institutions who are treading a similar path."
Mr Shankar Venkateswaran, Former Chief, TATA Sustainibilty Group and former Country Head, American India Foundation
"This book not only highlights the good work done by Saath, but also provides food for thought in terms of what needs to be done to make our cities a much better place to live than what they are today. This book will certainly help inspire people to join NGOs in their own ways and help create an atmosphere for social change that will lead to a more inclusive growth."
Mr Dilip Chenoy, Secretary General, Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries
"Urban India needs a large number of initiatives like those taken by SAATH to solve its large and diversified problems."
Prof Chetan Vaidya, former Director of the National Institute of Urban Affairs and School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, Trustee of Saath