Get social with the bestselling social media marketing book No person can ignore social media these days--and no business can afford to ignore it either. Our lives are mediated through the flicker of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram--and brands are increasingly...
The bestselling social media marketing book Marketing your business through social media isn't an option these days--it's absolutely imperative. In this new edition of the bestselling Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, you'll get comprehensive, expert...
Learn the latest social media marketing techniques Social media continues to evolve at breakneck speed, and the savvy marketer needs to keep up. This bestselling guide to social media marketing has been completely updated to cover the newest vehicles, including Groupon and Rue...
A new edition of the bestselling social media marketing book Updated to include the latest information on engaging with your community, measuring your efforts, blending your social media with other online and offline marketing efforts, and leveraging data you collect into learning...
Face Facebook, link up with LinkedIn, and tweet with Twitter using this all-in-one guide Marketing your business through social media isn't rocket science. Here's how to apply the marketing savvy you already have to the social media your prospects are using, helping you get and...
The bestselling social media marketing book Marketing your business through social media isn't an option these days--it's absolutely imperative. In this new edition of the bestselling Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies , you'll get comprehensive, expert guidance on...
This book + DVD bundle will give you everything you need to learn social media marketing The world of social media is ever evolving and you certainly don't want to be left back in the cyber dust This book-and-DVD combo provides you with everything you need to know in order to...