This collection of short stories will drag you, kicking and screaming, through the depths of the southern gothic genre. Including a novella, and a peek into his upcoming novel, John Ryland gives you more than you ask for with this sometimes dark, always weird menagerie of tales from the American south.
Did you ever have your name on the board for misbehaving in class? If you only got in trouble with the teacher, you should count yourself lucky. Ever find something old in the water? Did it divide your whole town in ways you couldn't imagine? What is beauty, and how do you stay forever young? The answer might not be what you want, especially if Joe passes by your house. Where does art come from? An old man's back yard? Who's to say? Have you ever been in the bottom of a grave? The view gives you quite the perspective on life. What happens to a person when they get struck by lightning? More than you think, I'm sure. Do you know your spouse? I mean really know them. Are you sure? We all have our secrets. Do you remember being a kid and drawing a doodle on your skin, maybe an innocent stickman figure? Yeah, don't do that. It could be more dangerous than you think. Remember those old stories about Sirens luring sailors to their death? Well, they're still around, but the look a little different now. They're not just after sailors anymore either.