This is a must read book if you want to understand what biblical spiritual warfare is.
In reading this book, it confirmed a lot of things I had come to believe. Coming from a more charismatic form of worship, I have, for a while, followed reformed theology. John MacArthur is one of my favorite theologians. Pastor MacArthur broke down spiritual warfare down to its common denominator...trusting in God and him alone. Religion today is peppered with zoarasterism, existentialism, esoteric constructs and "creational"...
This is a powerfully written book by Pastor John MacArthur that brings clarity to the subject of the 'spiritual warfare movement'. He has done the homework for people to understand a movement that is laden with errors, distorting the scriptures, and is heaped in sensationalism. These teachings are captivating a "bored with scripture" audience, and which is currently being militantly advanced in the Church today. Seminars,...
This book is one of the BEST books I have read on resisting the enemy. Its very easy to understand. I have always questioned the act of casting out spirits in our Christian walk, like why didnt Jesus give us more information on how to & when to, now I see why... The enemy has us focused on chasing evil spirits & casting every kind of spirit out & rebuking this & that instead of our relationship with Jesus & our responsability...
This book ought to be read by every Christian who wants to live a victorious Christian life. I highly recommend it. It is easy to read and follow through with what the Bible teaches.