Statistics is a very broad subject of study. Some people consider it as a branch of mathematics while others believe it is a distinct mathematical science. Most agree it is a body of knowledge that college students should know, but not everyone agrees on what is a good introductory book for beginners. We have attempted to make this book unique in the following ways: This book covers fundamental concepts of statistics. We tried to keep the mathematics at a minimum without removing it entirely. For example, we have one chapter on probabilities. This book does not require any statistical software. We believe students should focus on learning statistics, not software. At the very least, you should learn statistics before you learn statistical software. This book is concise. It does not contain an excessive number of examples. We provided enough examples for you to understand the concepts and to conduct your own simple statistical analysis.
This new edition emphasizes the more difficult topics with more elaborations. It reorganizes Chapter 5 and adds a new section. More review questions are added and most True/False questions are reworded to four-option multiple choice questions.