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Education & Reference Math Mathematics Probability & Statistics Science & Math StatisticsThis book is what really got me interested in gymnastics.I had gotten introduced to gymnastics through a book about Mary Lou Retton I had picked up at a thrift store, but I didn't become too interested until I saw a picture of Kim Zmeskal in an Encyclopedia Annual. I looked her up on the Internet, and the rest they say is history.Through the Internet I discovered the Magnificent Seven, and I found this book at our library...
After the Magnifecent Seven's wonderful performance at the '96 Olympic Games, I decided to read this book to find out more about these talented young women. I thought it was terrific! There are biographies of each of the seven members along with really cool pictures. This book was awesome. These seven are really magnificint and it shows!
If you like gymnastics you'll love this book! It tells about the lives of the seven gymnasts on the 1996 gold medal winning U.S. Olympic gymnastics team, Shannon Miller, Dominique Moceanu, Kerri Strug, Dominque Dawes, Jaycie Phelps, Amanda Borden, and Amy Chow. There are pictures of each girl from their very young life to the 1996 Olympics.
This book has everything you would ever want to know about the 1996 American Women Gymnastic Team. It has 14 pages about each individual gymnast, that clearly talks about their start of their career, to their fame in the sport. This book included pictures right out of the champions family photo albums too, so if you want to know more about these 7 wonderful athletes, check out this "Magnificent" book!
This book has 14 pages each on each member of the Magnificent Seven. There are color photos of each of them from birth to the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta. The book tells you about their feelings of the '96 Olympics and also tells a bit about their career up to Atlanta. This book has pictures of each gymnast from the family photo album. You probably won't see them anywhere else. I think this book is for only...