Ainslie Meares (1910-1986) was an eminent Psychiatrist who made major contributions to hypnosis and transitioned to teaching meditation - the missing link the paleo health movement needs. This book combines Ainslie Meares' way up to a better life without stress with paleo health support. It will appeal to Meares' purists and paleo readers.
About Ainslie Meares.
The evolution of the human mind.
Stress reduction and homeostasis.
Transforming old and outdated emotional reactions
Facilitating new and emerging psychological reactions
Better living (work, leisure, relationships etc).
Happiness, values & quality of life.
Meares' purists can easily identify and focus on his work. It is based on evolutionary principles but it is presented so that it is both integrated and transparently stands out.
The farming and factory eras created some changes that conflict with the health needs we had as foragers. Reducing these gaps to support health is discussed in chapters on motion, diet, sleep, sun and other factors. These are integrated with Meares' ideas. The Paleo reader can see how to fit Meares' method into their evolutionary health support activities and be set on the path to a better life.
The author is Owen Bruhn BSc Hons, Grad Dip Occup Hygiene, Grad Dip Ergonomics. Schooling plus country and city living fostered his interest in health and evolution. Decades in health safety and ergonomics led to extensive experience in prevention and control of health and injury risks (such as from chemicals, fatigue, cold, heat, noise, microbes, machines, motion and stress). A teenage interest in Asian arts led to meditation. Later, he asked Dr Meares for lessons and attended his classes. He trained, with Pauline McKinnon, to teach Meares' method after an injury in 2011.
His 2nd book A Key To The Books Of Ainslie Meares includes synopses of 33 of Meares' books to help you choose one. The first, Ainslie Meares on Meditation, explains how to meditate, includes 30+ poems by Meares, his biography as well as his most famous book.