A string of Christmas wishes that ignite an unforgettable small town romance...
Tilly Cassidy receives a lovely gingerbread star ornament from Mrs. Claus with a note that claims her next wish upon a star will lead to what her heart desires most. It's way too bad all of her biggest dreams fall into the impossible category - like her foolish wish for a train ticket she can't afford in order to attend her best friend's wedding in Pinetop, Arizona. Then there's her wish to find a little joy and happiness of her own along the way.
The moment the hardworking maid dares to make such impossible wishes, everything in her upside-down world changes. Soon the only thing standing in the way of true love is a villain from her past. Fortunately, the new and dashing sheriff of Pinetop is anxious to assist her, and she begins to wonder if she was wrong to stop believing in happily-ever-afters. ★ All of Jo's titles in the Ornamental Match Maker Series ★