"I never give much credence to anybodywhose butt is the same shape as their desk chair." -- Dirty Harry
Get off your butt. Get your hands dirty. Get the job done.
And, yes, that means you
For all those who are incensed with excuses, who feel insulted by a constant barrage of dumb ideas or are left fuming over no-shows, let down by others who have no guts, and who find themselves driven to new heights of frustration by having to take no for an answer, management and leadership dynamo Frank Pacetta offers a simple piece of advice:
Waiting for someone else to take responsibility for your success and happiness is futile.
Stop Whining--and Start Winning is the book for anybody who wants to make a difference. Whatever the occupation, organization, or industry--so long as there are people involved--there are techniques, rules, and tactics that get the job done right:
Get Dirty to Clean Up
Make It Personal
To Hell with Ho-Hum
These are just some of the inspiring lessons Pacetta shares in this motivational road map to combating corporate apathy, lost talent, and poor results. With wit, insight, and irreverence, he takes a frank, no-nonsense look at what's wrong with the concept of "business as usual," and shows readers how to find the right people, instill a fighting and winning spirit within them, and provide the kinds of leadership and business process that will not only improve morale but also boost the bottom line.
This unique and inspirational "how-to" guide contains tried and tested solutions to issues that seem to constantly trip up individuals who have difficulty breaking out of the pack and living up to their potential, no matter how hard they try.
Feeling held back or shortchanged by others as you struggle in your career? Overwhelmed by the seemingly insurmountable odds that seem to line your path to the next rung on the ladder? Convinced that the whole world has somehow conspired to keep you down and prevent you from succeeding? Well ...
Stop Whining--and Start Winning
This book will change your life, by giving you ideas that can be put into immediate effect for immediate results. It will enable you to build the business, the career, and the life you've always wanted, but whined that you thought you could never have.