Weir Wheeling is a back-alley magic man, a dime store sorcerer, a poor man's monster hunter. His story is mostly set in the dog patch neighborhoods, the litter-swept streets dotted with check-cashing places, liquor stores, and food marts. The Neighborhoods, as they are called, are the setting for most of his strange, mini-epic adventures. Among other things, he finds himself dealing with an evil portrait, a haunted roller coaster, a ghost horse, comic book characters come to life, and a secret underworld of closets. He also assassinates a killer whale and finds himself in a hellish flea market.
His girlfriend is officer May Herzog. She is a capable policeman, smart, and she loves Weir. He lives in constant fear of losing her to the dangers of his supernatural life, and he very nearly does. He is also in an ongoing, invisible rivalry with his nemesis, the Mysterious Coconut LaMancha.
The novel is set up in a snapshot narrative, weaving in and out of Weir's life. Each chapter has its own title, like a short story. The chapters are meant to be pulpy yarns, fun and interesting, with a little horror and a little love thrown into the mix. We learn about Weir throughout the chapters, why he does what he does and who he is. And we see his relationship grow with May, and feel her curiosity and fear about his forays into darkness.