Many years ago I used the great Noback and Demarest text in grad school, but books like these are a big improvement over what was available back when I was in school. The illustrations are nothing less than stunning, and the text is clear and well written as well. It's more readable than many texts on the subject that I've suffered through over the years. The area of functional neuroanatomy is one of the most interesting areas...
I'm doing neuroscience research before applying to medical school. The suite of Nolte's "The Human Brain" books are part of a course i'm currently taking here that's Med School level Basic human neuroanatomy. The study guide is a perfect complement to the textbook and photographs books.
This is an amazing book, It's easy to read, good graphics, It's everything you need for completely understand of the human brain anatomy.
It is a very good book. It is concise in its explanations and the details are enough for someone who needs an anatomical view of the brain as opposed to a cellular or molecular approach. The pictures are fantastic. I use them for clarification all the time.
This is an awesome textbook if you are interested in studying the human brain. It is a good introductory book.