The Hasheesh Eater by Fitz Hugh Ludlow
A History of Champagne by Henry Vizetelly
The Truth about Opium by William H. Brereton
The Betrothed by Rudyard Kipling
An Ode of Thanks for Certain Cigars by James Russell Lowell
The Soul of Wine by Charles Baudelaire
Substance Abuse Six Pack 2 is a sinner's smorgasbord of vice-fueled delights including the classic addiction memoir The Hasheesh Eater by Fitz Hugh Ludlow; a fascinating history of Champagne from 1882 by Henry Vizetelly; The Betrothed (the infamous poem in which Rudyard Kipling declares a "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke."); a revealing Victorian study of opium addiction and more.