Success is knowing your purpose in life, sowing seeds that benefit others, and growing to your maximum potential. Success is for everyone.
Drawing on more than twenty years of experience in training leaders, trusted leadership coach and bestselling author John Maxwell...
Success One Day At A Time is the kind of book you will want to carry in your car or place at the side of your bed. Each page contains a snapshot of the daily road of an overcomer. It is the perfect gift for the new graduate as well as anyone else who wants to become all that...
Exito dia por dia es la clase de libro que usted querra mantener en su auto o junto a su cama. Cada pagina contiene una toma instantanea del camino de un triunfador. !Este es el regalo perfecto, tanto para el recien graduado como para cualquiera que anhele ser todo lo que Dios...
From Maxwell's book Success One Day at a Time, key quotes and features are used to create an outstanding journal for graduation, for someone moving toward a new career step, or other gift times. Maxwell directs the reader and journal-writer to recognize that success is a day-to-day...
"Success One Day At A Time" is the kind of book you will want to carry in your car or place at the side of your bed. Each page contains a snapshot of the daily road of an overcomer. It is the perfect gift for the new graduate as well as anyone else who wants to become all that...