Do you ever wonder why you're not experiencing the freedom and abundant life promised in Scripture?
Despite the freedom that Jesus purchased at the cross, many Christians still live in bondage because they are unaware of the lavish spiritual blessings that God has opened to them.
Katherine Ruonala is a world-renowned pastor who operates in notable signs and miracles. In Supernatural Freedom, she shows that when you begin to access the true deliverance that Jesus makes available, you will run boldly towards the impossible, filled with supernatural power and confidence
Through Katherine's transparent teaching and dynamic, supernatural stories, you will learn how to...
Live your Christian life as a child of God, seated in heavenly places with Jesus. Recognize common strongholds where the enemy keeps you captive. Use the spiritual "weapons of war" you've been granted. Resist temptation and receive "double for your trouble" in blessings. Experience complete freedom from guilt, anxiety, heaviness, and sickness.Discover the incredible freedom and abundance that Jesus promised--in every area of your life