Grandparents are our teachers, our allies, and a great source of love. They supply endless stories that connect us to a past way of life and to people long gone--people who led ordinary lives, but were full of extraordinary teachings. This is the subject of Sweet Nata, a memoir about familial traditions and the joys and hardships the author experienced in her youth. Set during the 1950s and 1960s in Mora and Corrales, New Mexico, Zamora reveals her interaction with her parents, grandparents, and other extended family members who had the greatest influence on her life. She paints a picture of native New Mexican culture and history for younger generations that will also be nostalgic for older generations.
"Zamora offers a unique and authentic perspective on the Hispanic experience in New Mexico. As a memoir, it's a rare glimpse into the daily living of a family and a community."--Ana Baca, author of Mama Fela's Girls (UNM Press)
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