Just like our physical hygiene, a set of practices like brushing the teeth, daily shower, and grooming, helps us to maintain and nurture physical health, we all need to practice Emotional Hygiene to maintain and nurture our Emotional Health. Emotional Hygiene is also a set of daily rituals like, Practicing Gratitude, Empathy, the Practice of Forgiveness and abstain from reacting and blaming. The term Emotional Hygiene was used by His Holiness Dalai Lama in 2016, in the context of managing our emotions. If you do not manage your negative emotions like anger, fear, and resentment, they will overwhelm you resulting in physical and mental ailments.
The Tablets of Emotional Wisdom for High Schoolers and Young Adults will help you embark on a journey of understanding your own emotions, and prescribe ways and means to attain Emotional Freedom. Thus, you can manage any challenges that come on your way, with calmness and equanimity. You will no longer be enslaved by your own uncontrolled emotions, as long as you practice Emotional Hygiene on a daily basis. This book is intended to impart knowledge and information, and not any type of medical advice.