The Eastern Europe and Central Asia region has the world's fastestgrowing
HIV epidemic. Although still concentrated, the epidemic has
diversified, affecting several key populations in many countries. This
change has increased the number of people in need, the ways the
epidemic can spread, and the complexity of formulating an effective
strategy to combat it. At the same time, international funding is
insufficient to cover the growing need, and domestic plans to cover
the funding gaps, in many cases, fall short. In this environment, the need
to use data to make the best possible decisions about using available
funds is essential.
Tackling the World's Fastest-Growing HIV Epidemic tells the story
of how, in 11 countries across Eastern Europe and Central Asia, small
groups of decision-makers and experts came together to carry out
innovative, groundbreaking analyses for each country. It details the
steps these nations have taken to strengthen their HIV programs based
on the findings while highlighting critical issues for the road ahead. In
so doing, the book also shows the potential of what can be done with
a mathematical model and how it can support real-life improvements
in policy and more efficacious budget allocations. It is the record of a
unique undertaking to improve public health investments that offers
lessons for many communities.