Everyone wants to take charge of their own destiny. And we can do this, easily, if we have the secret. Though this secret involves just one word, implementing this approach, without extra help, proves too difficult for most people. Why? Because we have been trained by circumstances and our culture to view the world as a problem instead of an opportunity. That's why the book is far more than one word.
The body of this small volume contains all of the ways we complicate the simplicity of being happy. With each chapter, we learn not only what trips us up, but also what we can do, step-by-step, to strengthen our foundation of happiness. Most chapters contain one or more exercises for expanding our awareness and power.
The book starts with a simple set of 5 steps to taking charge. When done with the book, we will no longer 5 steps and can achieve happiness with only one step. After a brief introduction to the brain, mind, ego and true self, the book takes on one barrier to happiness after another-negative attitude, laziness, self-imposed blindness, reasonableness, shyness, a weak-willed attitude, resentment, annoyance, blame, and irresponsibility. With each chapter, we are empowered to take charge of these barriers and to blast right through them.
Beyond these barriers, we look at "walking the walk" of taking charge. We look at several concepts about which society-at-large has grown increasingly confused. The chapters of part 3 clear up those confusions, tackling,
Responsibility vs. Blame, Love vs. Importance, Humility vs. Failure, Compassion vs. Sympathy, andHumble Confidence vs. Arrogance.
In the final chapter, we look at "ultimate happiness" and giving up all self-concern.
Mastering happiness becomes easy, once we unlearn all of the crazy things our culture has taught us. Taking charge of your own destiny can be yours, and it can be both profound and lasting.