In the aftermath of the Civil War, Georgie O'Rourke seeks a new beginning as a mail-order bride, leaving behind the ravaged landscape of Tennessee for the uncertain promise of Texas. But upon her arrival, she discovers that her future husband, Captain Parker Eastman, had no knowledge of her coming-the arrangement was made by his unstable and domineering mother.
Captain Parker Eastman, a former Confederate officer, is burdened with responsibilities that extend beyond the battlefield. When he reluctantly agrees to marry Georgie, he is soon forced to leave her in the care of his unpredictable mother to defend his ranch from aggressive land grabbers. During Parker's prolonged absence, Georgie faces relentless psychological torment from Mother Eastman, testing her resolve and spirit.
Returning to a wife who has been pushed to her breaking point, Parker must navigate the delicate process of rebuilding trust and fostering a genuine, loving marriage. Can Georgie and Parker overcome the shadows of war and family conflict to find solace and happiness together?
"Tattered Hearts" is the compelling first book in Kathleen Ball's Mail Order Brides of Spring Water series. This historical western romance is perfect for readers who enjoy suspenseful yet heartwarming stories of resilience, love, and redemption.
Purchase Tattered Hearts today and embark on a journey of romance and renewal.