In his most recent work and with his usual perceptiveness, Seymour Sarason probes the topic of teaching as a performing art. Refreshingly, Dr. Sarason focuses on the often-overlooked role of teachers in galvanizing an audience--their students. Sarason argues that teachers will better engage learners if they are prepared in the artistry of doing so. Sarason sees teachers as actors and thus uses the traditions of stage performance to inspire ways to foster connections between teachers and students. Sarason elucidates how the rehearsal processes actors undergo and the direction they receive, for example, would be similarly beneficial for educators. Recognizing that implementing his ideas would require a profound rethinking of teacher training programs, Sarason urges why they are crucial to excellence in education. As always, Sarason's writing is rich with insight garnered from 45 years of teaching and a lifetime devotion to educational issues. His book is essential for teachers and teacher educators and an excellent resource for anyone interested in educational topics.