Grounded in a social and historical context, this unique book encourages readers to think like scientists...
Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School: A Cognitive and Cultural Approach offers pre-service and in-service elementary and middle school teachers of science practical strategies for the classroom as well as a better understanding of the role of science in our day-to-day lives and culture.
Key Features
Prepares teachers with 100 key experiments that teach core, standards-based science concepts within a methods instruction modelProvides an introduction to the historical, social, cultural, and linguistic construction of science in American culture--in particular, how it functions as a human endeavorEmphasizes the idea that science is connected to the world around us through reflection case studiesStresses the development of the basic principles underlying scientific methods of thought and inquiryIntegrates standards in other content areas through "Theory Into Practice" boxes.Accompanied by High-Quality Ancillaries Instructor′s Resources CD Available by contacting SAGE, this CD offers PowerPoint(R) lecture slides, a teaching guide for the science standards-based lesson plan project, video clips of select experiments, Theory Into Practice resources, Reflections on Science assignments, Web resources, and a test bank.Student Resource CD Bound into the back of the text, this CD provides students with video clips to illustrate select experiments from the text, as well as other key science concepts. A guide accompanies the video clips to assist student learning.Web-Based Student Study Site, http: // This site provides a variety of additional resources that will enhance students′ understanding of the book content and take their learning one step further.