Technical Analysis of Stock Trends helps investors make smart, profitable trading decisions by providing proven long- and short-term stock trend analysis. It gets right to the heart of effective technical trading concepts, explaining technical theory such as The Dow...
Sixty-three years. Sixty-three years and Technical Analysis of Stock Trends still towers over the discipline of technical analysis like a mighty redwood. Originally published in 1948 and now in its Tenth Edition, this book remains the original and most important work on this...
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends helps investors make smart, profitable trading decisions by providing proven long- and short-term stock trend analysis. It gets right to the heart of effective technical trading concepts, explaining technical theory such as The Dow...
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition, is a critical reference for investors - especially in today's tumultuous markets. This seminal book - the first to produce a methodology for interpreting and profiting from the predictable behavior of investors and markets - revolutionized...
An lisis T cnico de las Tendencias de Acciones es considerado la Biblia del An lisis T cnico. Indispensable para inversionistas de todo tipo. Un libro de gran utilidad que le ayudar en la toma de decisiones respecto a los mercados.
DID YOU FALL PREY TO INTERNET MANIA? Many investors were lured into the feeding frenzy of Tech stocks, Internet stocks, and dot-coms, but those who followed the proven methods of Edwards and Magee were prepared for a market adjustment. When nothing else seems to work, technical...
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Robert D. Edwards and John Magee, is considered to be the Bible of market analysis. The first book to introduce a methodology for determining the predictable behavior of investments and markets, Technical Analysis of Stock Trends revolutionized...