Tell Me About It 3 Continues the Project of Exploring the Lives of Everyday LGBTQ People and Introduces New Questions
Is there a song that lifts your spirits as a LGBTQ person?Did you have a mentor(s) in the LGBTQ community and if so, what did they teach you?What LGBTQ community activity (spiritual, sporting, activism, volunteer work, etc.) gives you the greatest sense of connection andwhat about that activity is fulfilling?What are your thoughts about the social and cultural assimilation of LGBTQ people?What are the best and worst parts of going out to the bars/clubs?When was the first time you realized you were different?Tell us about the one that got away?Do you experience prejudice in your day-to-day life and if so, what form does it take?What movies or TV shows best capture your funny as well as your serious side?Did you have a religious upbringing and how did (or does) that affect your life as an LGBTQ person? Were you bullied in school and if so, what form did it take?Have you ever lived with an LGBTQ lover/partner/spouse? If so, what advice would you give to someone about making a live-inrelationship work?How did your parents react when you came out to them?Did you have a famous LGBTQ role model who inspired you to come out?When did you first hear about AIDS? Have you attended a school reunion as an out LGBTQ person and if so, describe the evening?What famous person fanned your desire as a young LGBTQ person and why?As a youth or young adult, was there a place, other than a bar, where you congregated with fellow LGBTQ people?Name three things that are on your LGBTQ bucket list?We all have stories - sometimes poignant, sometimes entertaining, and usually quite interesting. As historians of LGBTQ life, St Sukie de la Croix and Owen Keehnen, have been recording and collecting the memories, personal experiences, and anecdotes of queer folks for decades. The Tell Me About It series is an extension of their ongoing work.The Tell Me About It series collects personal anecdotes in response to a series of questions. Like its two predecessors, Tell Me About It 3 is full of moving, horrendous, hilarious, and thought-provoking answers by LGBTQ people from across the country and around the globe, capturing a variety of experience, often revealing more profound similarities. Tell Me About It 3 offers glimpses of what makes us different, who we are, what we share, and where we fit in.