I would have given "Tell Me Why" four stars instead of five, because of all the issues left only half-explored or totally unexplored by Michael and Jana Novak. (For instance, barely anything was said about Eastern religions.) However, this book's shortcomings are not half as important as what this book can do for people."Tell Me Why" can start debate among believers and non-believers alike. It can inspire critical thinking...
I have never before written to an author about one of his books, but I wrote to Michael Novak to thank him (and his daughter) for having written "Tell Me Why," one of the most personally meaningful books I've ever read. Having recently been involved in an argument with an atheist mathematician who resolutely denies that faith can be reasonable at all, I particularly was taken with Novak's clear explanation of the ...
Jana Novak's skepticism allows all of us to question our own beliefs, to explore our reasons for belonging to a given religion, and to ask ourselves what we really do believe in and why. It seems an important exercise for all of us, and a chance to renew our Faith and our membership in a community of believers. Agreeing with Michael Novak's answers or not, he guides us in weighing our beliefs, providing a framework...
Jana Novak is both honest and relentless in her quest for the truth. She raises questions not confined to the young or the skeptical. Frequently in life we encounter situations that can cause us to be revisited by nagging doubt over God's existence and His love. We don't understand the origin of evil. We don't understand why God allows suffering. We don't understand the human imperfections of our religion. Michael...
As a lapsed Catholic, and one who is currently reconsidering his lapse, Tell Me Why is one of the most informative, enjoyable, and useful books I have ever read. Michael and Jana Novak cogently, plainly, and in surprising depth explore the importance of religion, particularly Roman Catholicism, in every day life while providing a firm footing in the rules and rationale of religion for the novice. I will reread this...