This intriguing collection of the author's stories includes the novella "I ❤ Rhinos" ("cos they keep on charging "), which is about a very mixed group of people attending what is alleged to be "a marketing opportunity meeting."
Short stories span locations from Zimbabwe to England. The themes range from the successes of an entrepreneurial woman, to the memories of a victim of a war-time bomb, to "The Trouble with Uncle George," as well as the title story about what happened to "That Guy What Kill Topsy."
The collection features twenty-five main characters in at least seventeen different settings set during the past seventy years.
Peter Wood Cotterill grew up in Kent during wartime England. He resided in Essex, East London, Lincolnshire, and West Suffolk before emigrating to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, where he lived for twelve years before returning to the UK. For the past forty-two years, he has lived in the same house in rural Hampshire that was built in 1642. Now retired, he worked in the financial industry and helped his wife run an education charity. This is his second book.