Section 1: Service and Innovation.- Servitization of Business: An Exploratory Case Study of Customer Perspective; Z. Ahamed et al.- A Service Field Concept for Service Value Creation; M. Kosaka et al.- Development of future center: a case study; T. Rossi et al.- Co-creation value platform based on user's behaviour to increase the user engagement; A. Kumaresan.- Inquest for Competitive Factors of Restaurant Information Services; H. Sai.- Cocreation and Implementing ITIL Service Management in the Cloud: A Case Study; R. Stanley.- An Ontology-based Advisement Approach for SOA Design Patterns; L. Liu et al.- Creating Collaborative Innovative Environment through Knowledge Management in Pharmaceutical Industry; A. Z?vodsk?, V. Sramov?.- Adoption Intention of Mobile Real Time Location-Based Advertising Service for 3G Cell Phone Users in Taiwan; F. Peng et al.-Section 2: Knowledge Management Practice and Case Study.- Students' innovative thinking and their perceptions about the ideal learning environment; M. Barak.- Sensor-data-driven knowledge-creation model: A Model and Empirical Test; N. Moriwaki et al.- A Structural Equation Model of Knowledge Management Practices and Library Users' Satisfaction at Malaysian University Libraries; M. Saufi Che Rusuli et al.- A Bibliometric Study on the Mechanical Science and Engineering Researches in Taiwan; W.-L. Wang, G. Siy Ching.- Comparing Knowledge Management application in Chile and other OECD countries; D. Liberona, D. Fuenzalida.- Electronic Portfolio as a Knowledge Management tool: A comparative analysis; W. Zainal-Abidin et al.- Knowledge and Community Formation via Cascading Modes of Communication with a Case Study and Research Design; P. Horng-Jyh Wu.- One-Size-Fits-All? Towards a Taxonomoy of Knowledge Workers; R. Magnier-Watanabe, C. Benton.- A Conceptual Model for Privacy Preferences in Healthcare Environment; F.A. Rahim et al.- Section 3: Information Technology and Knowledge Management.- A Hybrid Patent Prior Art Retrieval Approach Using Claim Structure and Description; F.-R. Lin et al.- Improving near-duplicate detection in multi-layered collaborative requirements engineering discussions through discussion clustering; C. Sillaber, R. Breu.- Concepts Labeling of Document Clusters Using a Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) Technique; R. Alfred et al.- A Visualization Approach to Automatic Text Documents Categorization Based on HAC; R. Alfred et al.- A Literature Review and Discussion of Malay Rule-based Affix Elimination Algorithms; R. Alfred et al.- Ontology-based Query Expansion for Supporting Information Retrieval in Agriculture; R. Alfred et al.- Metafrastes: A News Ontology-Based Information Querying Using Natural Language Processing; H. Embregts et al.- An Application for Recommender Systems in the Contents Industry; G.M. Tarazona Bermudez et al.- Design and Development of a Location-based Advertising and Recommending System; C.-H. Wu et al.- Visualising Outliers in Nominal Data; S. Chuan Tan.- Section 4: Knowledge Management & Social Network.- Knowledge management model supported by social networks. Case: University-Enterprise; V.H. Medina Garc?a et al.- Social-Technology Fit: A Conceptual Model; H.-Y. Liao et al.- The Use of Blogs as Knowledge Sharing in MBA; E. Kin Wai Lau.- Top-X Querying in Online Social Networks with MapReduce Solution; Z. Jianya et al.- SMEs - Social Media Marketing Performance; H. Berger, C. Thomas.- Section 5: Knowledge Management in Business and Organization.- Knowledge Extraction of Consumers' Attitude and Behavior: A Case Study of Private Medical Insurance Policy in Japan; Y. Ishino.- Product Information Retrieval on the Web: An Empirical Study; S. Bouzidi.- Japanese Students' Perception of B2C; T. Okamoto.- Bank Stock Leading Indicators and Extraction of Trigger Points; J. Senoguchi, S. Kurahashi.- Empowering Leadership in R&D Teams: A Closer Look at the process and outcomes; Y.-Q. Zhu, H.-G. Chen.- Distribution of