Eleven critics here discuss the main themes in Singer's novels and short stories as well as examine in depth his works that have been translated into English--the novels Satan in Goray, The Family Moskat, The Magician of Lublin, The Slave, The Manor, In My Father's Court, and a short story "Gimpel the Fool." Each of the contributors, well-known writers in their own areas of specialization, was invited to examine, not to proclaim or protest, Singer's work, and these essays appear in print for the first time. In her Introduction Marcia Allentuck traces the growth of Singer's reputation during the past decade and considers the essays themselves, pointing out the reason for the organization of the book--from discussion of main themes to consideration of individual works.
The first four essays are devoted to general discussions of Singer's writings; the remaining essays to critical discussions of individual works. With one exception they are arranged according to the chronology of the appearance of Singer's works in English translation, the exception being "Gimpel the Fool," the "jewel of Singer's crown," placed last.