Great things were expected of The Adventures of Hiram Holliday, a half hour sitcom that aired on NBC in the mid-1950s. Wally Cox, the star of the show, was just coming off a long run as the remarkably popular Mister Peepers whilst it's show runner, Phil Rapp had a couple of hit radio shows to his name and had written and directed for the popular TV show Topper.
But within six months it was off the air - he show's sponsor deciding to take a sizeable financial hit rather than continue to support the show. Whilst the show sold internationally-to the likes of the BBC in Great Britain-NBC didn't even air all the episodes they had made.
In the 21st century it remains nothing but a fond memory for a generation - very hard to find on DVD or on a streaming service. Until now.
Come now and read the scripts for seven of the original adventures of Hiram Holliday, a surprisingly talented, mild-mannered newspaper proofreader.