This book is designed to give you, the student, opportunities to work with the written language. The varied exercises help develop the skills needed to write well. The exercises stimulate your mind to explore how you can use your present dialectal English skills in writing with the standard English used in academic settings. Again, this workbook will allow you to interpret forms of writing from your own understanding. This workbook contains specific objectives and measurement exercises. These behavioral objectives and measurement items have been designed so that you can choose the objectives that will support your needs to improve your writing. The objectives are content general, then objective specific. The content general objectives state a general behavior as a learning outcome which allows for more detailed objectives to follow after it. This format presents the exercises from a skills approach rather than grade level. This workbook has seven general skill sections. Each general skill section has specific objectives as subskills. The general skill sections will always state the behavior objective to be learned after the section has been completed. This objective is stated before each section begins. The general objective allows the student to work on skills that he perceives to be weak. Each section will contain one or more exercises for you to complete and have evaluated by your instructor. The general objective sections are as follows: parts of speech, sentence patterns, sentence punctuation, verb usage, noun and pronoun usage, composition writing, and paragraphing. At the end of each general skill section, there will be a self-evaluation test. This test is to give you an idea of how well you understand the material. There are no time limits for the self-evaluation tests. After completing this workbook, you will be able to write more clearly and effectively. For any help at any time, please speak with your instructor
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