The days seem long with too much time for work and the nights seem short with too little time for sleep. What's a modern girl to do? When you have a passion you want follow it, when you have a dream you want to make it reality, but when you have bills, they must be paid. It often appears as though you can't have the best of both worlds. Today, lots of women would love integrate their passion with their career and are seeking advice on how to do just that.
Michelle Goodman, a self proclaimed, "wage-slave" has written a fun, reassuring, girlfriend-to-girlfriend guide on identifying your passion, transitioning out of that unfulfilling job, and doing it all in a smart, practical way. The Anti 9-to-5 Guide realizes that not every woman wants the corner office, in fact, some women don't want to be in an office at all. Today's women are non-traditionalists, do it yourself sort of girls who want to travel the world, take up knitting, frolic in the land of freelancing but want to do it all without going broke.
The Anti 9-to-5 Guide provides readers with the resources you need to have it all and still have a place to sleep. Michelle suggests great tips for easing into the life you want. With an entire chapter devoted to pursuing your passion on the side, The Anti 9-to-5 Guideencourages us to tweak our current career path or head down a new one, and ultimately succeed