For me what this book did was move things I had been feeling about hugging up from the unspoken part of my mind to the page. There's nothing ground breaking here, but if you are looking to imrpove your hugging skills it is a reasonably priced fast-reading solution.If you're looking for a book of "How to get laid by hugging" you may as well keep looking.
I enjoyed this book very much. I definitely agree that hugging is essential in all relationships, but especially romantic ones. It was wonderful how the author described various types of hugs and how each one is good for us. I like how emphasis is put more on love, intimacy and tenderness then on pure sex. Of course sensual hugs are nice as well, but we need to balance physical, emotional and spiritual needs in relating...
North Americans would certainly be viewed as more friendly if they knew how to hug more often. It is a shame that hugging is not practiced very often in North America. Perhaps that's why North American women likes Latin American lovers....
The best thing about this book is how it explains men and women's different hugging preferences. I never knew there were so many different TYPES of hugs! This book even comes with its own Web page, believe it or not! and it's great