"There's not a dated maxim or vague prescription in it." -- Newsweek Regarded as the world's oldest military treatise, this compact volume has instructed officers and tacticians for more than 2,000 years. From its origins in China, The Art of War traveled...
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly known to be the definitive work on military...
''If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.''
- Off the battlefield,...
"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War This is a complete edition which also contains Preface, Introduction, appreciations of Sun Tzu, Apologies for war and Bibliography. Don't be fooled...
Unleash your strategic prowess with Sun Tzu's timeless masterpiece, "The Art of War." This influential book provides profound insights into warfare, leadership, and the art of achieving victory. A must-read for military enthusiasts, business leaders, and those seeking personal...
The Definitive Translation with Over Two Million Copies Sold Sun Tzu's Art of War, compiled more than two thousand years ago, is a study of the anatomy of organizations in conflict. It is perhaps the most prestigious and influential book of strategy...
El Arte de la Guerra es el mejor libro de estrategia de todos los tiempos. Inspiró aNapoleón, Maquiavelo, Mao Tse Tung y muchas más figuras históricas. Este libro de dosquinientos mil años de antigüedad, es uno de los más importantes textos clásicos chinos, enel que, a pesar...
Sun-tzu's Art of War is almost certainly the most famous study of strategy ever written. This treatise has been credited with influencing some of the most legendary military operations. Beyond the battlefield, people far and wide have long turned to Art of War for...
The world's most famous military treatise, in an acclaimed translation by the award-winning translator of the Tao Te Ching and the I Ching For more than two thousand years, Sun-tzu's The Art of War has provided leaders with essential advice...
Harness the power of strategic thinking with the pocket-sized edition of The Art of War. Sun Tzu's profound teachings on military strategy and leadership principles provide valuable insights for achieving success in any competitive arena.
The Definitive Translation with Over Two Million Copies Sold Sun Tzu's Art of War, compiled more than two thousand years ago, is a study of the anatomy of organizations in conflict. It is perhaps the most prestigious and influential book of strategy...
Sun Tzu's Art of War , compiled more than two thousand years ago, is a study of the anatomy of organizations in conflict. It is perhaps the most prestigious and influential book of strategy in the world today. Now, this unique volume brings together the essential versions of...
Featuring the Chinese text on the left and the English translation on the right, this beautiful edition of Sun Tzu's classic text makes a unique gift or collector's item.
This deluxe hardback edition of The Art of War is bound in luxurious silk and presented in a decorative slipcase, making the perfect collectible.
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly known to be the definitive work on military...
'The Art of War' is an ancient Chinese military handbook that dates back to the 5th Century BC. Attributed to the intelligent military strategist Sun Tzu, the title of the work is Master Sun's Rules of Warfare when literally translated from Chinese. Born over 2,400 years...
Like Machiavelli's The Prince and the Japanese Book of Five Rings, Sun Tzu's The Art of War is as timely for business people today as it was for military strategists in ancient China. Written in China more than 2,000 years ago, Sun Tzu's classic The Art of War is the first known...
L'Arte della Guerra di Sun Tzu: l'abilità di adattarsi alle circostanze e cambiare prospettiva. "Se conosci il nemico, e conosci te stesso, non hai ragione di temere l'esito di 100 battaglie e sicuramente vincerai": è questo il fulcro della filosofia di Sun Tzu, generale filosofo...