The foundation of our knowledge of God rests upon knowing what he is like. Without understanding God's attributes, we have a skewed perception of him--often one cast in our own image. We need more than just a theoretical knowledge of God in order to worship him as he desires...
During the first part of the 20th century, Arthur Pink put pen to paper and produced a number of outstanding books that continue to be held in high esteem among many. Pink is famous for 3 main things. First, he held to a very high Calvinist theology. Second, because of the first,...
A. W. Pink examines the Scriptures to find its teachings about God in his classic masterpiece on the subject. In so doing, Pink presents 17 attributes of God in a clear and concise manner. This book will be sure to give you a greater sense of who God is and a deeper love for...
What is more important than having an accurate Knowledge of God? An unknown God can neither be trusted, served, nor worshiped. If your great aim in life to know God better and to worship Him in Spirit and in truth, this masterful compilation by AW Pink, on the attributes and...
The foundation of all true knowledge of God must be a clear mental apprehension of His perfections as revealed in Holy Scripture. An unknown God can neither be trusted, served, nor worshipped. In this booklet an effort has been made to set forth some of the...
Arthur Pink was one of the most influential evangelical authors of the twentieth century. His writing sparked a revival of preaching and focused readers' hearts on biblical living. "The Attributes of God" was his classic work. Pink's book explores attributes such as God's decrees,...
"Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the LORD" (Jer 9:23,24). A spiritual...
The Attributes of God Is a Book That Delves Into His True Essence...This book is for everyone who wants to learn more than the common fundamental principles we're taught in our straightforward culture. It will teach you how to truly incorporate His being into your everyday...
Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952) "was born in Great Britain and immigrated to the U.S. to study at Moody Bible Institute. He pastored churches in Colorado, California, Kentucky, and South Carolina before becoming an itinerant Bible teacher in 1919. From 1925-1927 he Pastored in...
Who is this God?Attempting to describe God is like trying to paint a portrait of someone you've never seen. Each person, however, has an inward portrait of God that is painted, not with brush and paint, but with thoughts and words, on the canvas of their mind. These inward portraits...