2020 Reprint of 1942 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. In this short pamphlet John MacMillan reviews the phenomena of the Christian intercessor's authority - the power which true and honest faith in the Lord imparts to intercessors in everyday life, and in times of dire crisis. An impressive summary of the intercessor's authority, this book reveals much through the life and deeds of Jesus Christ. With the Savior as a demonstration of faith's power, we are offered a number of lessons in the potential and greatness of belief in the Lord. The accomplishments of Christ are shown to be things of supreme and boundless inspiration to every believer; by properly comprehending and venerating the Son of God, an inner power is achieved. The author, a preacher and missionary who later ventured into Canadian politics, had spent decades seeing first-hand the power of authentic faith. The authority of the Lord, in John MacMillan's view, is a potent and enormous force with transformative power upon every Christian believer's life.