Steve Ditko's lengthy career extended from visionary science fiction, causality-flaunting fantasy, and heinously hideous horror...
-to a superabundance of superheroes: Captain Atom, Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, The Incredible Hulk, The Creeper, Hawk and Dove, The Question, Blue Beetle, Shade the Changing Man, Superboy, Indiana Jones, Rom, Machine Man...
-to conceiving, creating, and publishing a galaxy of his own material: The Missing Man, Mr. A., The Mocker, Static, The Void, The Cape, The P Masks, The Madman, Miss Eerie, The Hero...
Fans, critics, and readers have had their say about Ditko's work. His creations. His viewpoints. His personal life.
Now, Ditko speaks for himself, does it very well, and does not need any help from others.
A volume of the "Ditko Complains" series.
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