A fable for grownups that will be fun for children. Sit down with the book and get your own bearings. -- New York Herald Tribune With the first signs of approaching winter, the Bear's thoughts naturally turn to a cozy cave and a long snooze till spring. But when he awakes a few months later, he is surprised to find himself smack dab in the middle of a sprawling industrial complex To make matters even worse, everyone he meets keeps insisting that he's not even a bear--just a silly man who needs a shave and wears a fur coat. Written by the beloved director of such classic screwball comedies as The Girl Can't Help It and Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, this wryly humorous tale has long been an underground favorite with readers of all ages and attitudes. Poking fun at a fast-paced, high-tech society, it follows the Bear's repeated attempts of finding out just where he belongs. On an assembly line? In a zoo? At the circus? No one seems to know for sure. Tashlin's forty-six delightfully original and whimsical illustrations add to the charm of this unique and entertaining fable.
This book and "The Giving Tree" are the 2 best books ever written. My father read "The Bear" to me when I was young, and when I was in high school he found a copy that he gave to me and inscribed, "Read this often to remind you that who you are is who you are, and that's not bad." 20 years later, I still do.
The BEST Children's Book
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 23 years ago
This is an amazing book that will teach your children to have confidence in themselves... and make them laugh at the same time. It also has an underlying message stressing the importance of our environment. I truly believe that every child should have this book.
An all time personal favorite
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 25 years ago
This book has been a personal favorite ever since I can remember. I make sure to read it to any child that visits my house. My affinity to the material and the subtile presentation of the importance of being an individual was a clear indication of my political orientation from a very early age. I'm so glad that I can now get copies for the next generation to take home and cherish.
Critique of alienation in industrial society
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 26 years ago
After almost half a century, I have come to realize that this book, the first one I read all by myself, has had a profound influence on my world view. I can still remember a number of the wonderful illustrations.
A wonderful book for children, clever illustrations.
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 27 years ago
A book that teaches the importance of knowing who you are and the fact that others may think they know you but really don't. It shows the importance of the sense of self, an important lesson for young people. It does this without preaching, with good humor and illustrations that have many objects for children, and adults, to discover. The illustrations in this reprint are unfortunatly slightly cropped from the original book with some loss of content.
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