I've got to meet someone new. When a new delivery guy rolls into my driveway, there's more spinning than the wheels of his van. My mind starts to whirl. My body starts to zing. And, later, when I see the earth split outside of his home, revealing horrible darkness, well...it's evident I've been spending way too much time alone with my dog.
It soon becomes apparent I've got a whole lot of catching up to do and magic to master. I'm just not sure if I'm cut out for the job. Those lunatics who think I'm a Bearer of Light and badass warrior princess have other ideas. When I find myself in more danger than I can possibly deal with, comprehend or even dream of, I might, repeat, might, want to listen to them.
The Beckoning Series, so far:
The Beckoning of Beguiling ThingsThe Beckoning of Beautiful ThingsThe Beckoning of Broken ThingsThe Beckoning of Badass Things