Save time producing better music and rid yourself of the headaches and frustration of always playing the guessing game. What if you could learn all major and minor chords by learning just 7 chords and 2 concepts? Imagine the next time an artist comes to you with a song and says, "It's in the key of Dm". Your response, "Let's do this".
Instructor at The Los Angeles Recording School, Kyle Morris, conveys musical concepts in a simple but methodical way. With his 10 plus years of teaching music professionally to over a 1000 students, he's honed in on what students want and need to fully utilize musical ideas.
In this book you'll learn:
- How to bend your mind, not the spoon
- What chords are used in most pop songs
- How to become a drummer on the keyboard
- How to write melodies that work with your chords
- How to structure a song to keep your listeners wanting more
Buy this book NOW to save time producing better music and give the muse more to work with.