Learn all you need to know in this powerhouse book about teaching and implementing The Big6 in grades K-3
- Find developmentally appropriate lessons and methods for teaching the Big6 process to young learners in grades K-3
- Use the Cool Tools for implementing the Big6 like graphic organizers, note taking methods, and bookmarks and posters in English and Spanish
- Divided into 3 helpful parts, this resouce includes guiding questions, state and national standards, evaluation guides and advice for using puppets to engage students
Written by a world-renowned Big6 trainer, this thoughtful yet practical guide is for educators who want to use the tried-and-true Big6(TM) method with young students. It includes both information about Big6 and its effectiveness in teaching information literacy and communications technology skills plus the added bonus of actual tools that are ready to use in the library or classroom. This is a seminal work on using the Big6 with young learners.