Pat Conroy is my favorite author, and after reading everything else that he has written, I decided to pick up a copy of The Boo. The Boo is Conroy's first book, and the only way he got it published was to publish it himself. The story started when Conroy was fresh out of The Citadel and still wet behind the ears. He discovered that the beloved Thomas Nugent "The Boo" Courvoisie, Commandant of Cadets at The Citadel, was...
I think it is a great look at the other side of the cadet life. As a Citadel Cadet I really liked the book.
This book is a biographical/autobiographical novel about Pat Conroy's experiences in the Citadel, especially as they relate to The Boo, the Colonel in charge of The Citadel at the time Conroy attended. There are letters, memos, and anecdotes about The Boo's relationship with others in the school.I found this to be an excellent portrayal of Citadel life. We on the outside think of the cadets as stern and commanding, but...
I had searched for this book everywhre and finally got it through this site. It was well worth all the hunting! My Conroy collection is complete, and I strongly recommend this book to all Conroy fans! The other novels make so much more sense after reading this first book!
Pat Conroy wrote the Lords of Discipline not only out of the desire to write and be published, but to give us an insight as to what went on inside the Citadel walls. I think only a person who knows what actually goes on there could write such a book. Of course, Mr. Conroy is persona non grata at the Citadel. His portrayal of the school is less than favorable, but very realistic. The letters written between Courvoisie and...