For the first time, the major books making up the body of Enochian literature are presented to the public in a single volume. The text contains copious notes and commentaries designed to guide the reader through the difficulties of language, theology, and mystical references...
Now buy this amazing volume for a special low price. The well known and acclaimed work of Dr. Joseph Lumpkin has been enlarged to include new research on the Books of Enoch, Fallen Angels, the Watchers, and the Nephilim. After presenting extensive historical backgrounds and brilliant...
A compilation containing the three Books of Enoch: -1 Enoch or Ethiopic Enoch2 Enoch or The Secrets of Enoch or Slavonic Enoch3 Enoch or The Hebrew Book of EnochPLUS the Enoch sections of the Book of Jasher.Each are complete and unabridged
This is a NEW Translation of ALL THREE Books of Enoch, with extensive commentary. This (all 3 Books of Enoch) is a new and easy-to-read translation by Dr. A. Nyland and is not the 1917 R.H. Charles Public Domain translation of The Book of Enoch.
This translation contains all 3 Books of Enoch: 1) 1 Book of Enoch (Also called The Ethiopic Book of Enoch) 2) 2 Book of Enoch (Also called The Slavonic Book of Enoch, The Secrets of Enoch). Also contains the extended version of 2 The Book...