Includes both volumes 7 & 8 of this acclaimed series in one volume. So where are the real superheroes? The warriors for truth and justice, the defenders of the American way, the heroes who fight to make things right and ask for nothing in return? Hughie finds out when...
Garth Ennis' The Boys are back for their fourth omnibus edition
Convinced that Hughie was never what he seemed, Butcher goes to see the Legend ... and sets something terrible in motion for our little Scots pal in "The Innocents" (The Boys #39-47). And in "Highland Laddie"...
Garth Ennis' The Boys are back for their fourth "definitive" edition Convinced that Hughie was never what he seemed, Butcher goes to see the Legend... and sets something terrible in motion for our little Scots pal in "TheInnocents" (The Boys #39-47). And in "Highland Laddie"...