"Does God have a Plan for me?" "What am I supposed to be doing?" "Am I on the Narrow Path that Jesus said few find?" During Jesus' earthly ministry He prophetically laid out how we grow from spiritual infancy to full maturity. It's been hidden in the scriptures until now. His interactions with the women in the New Testament serve as metaphors of His Church (the Bride of Christ). By linking these encounters properly, the mystery of the Bride of Christ is unveiled, and a blueprint that each of us will walk in forming our own unique weave into the tapestry of His beloved is revealed By attaching yourself to the characters on the timeline of the blueprint, many questions will be answered. You will perceive where you've been, where you are now, and what to expect next. God is raising up a living body of people who are being made fit to rule and reign with Him, and, for this reason, He needs certain things worked into our character, and other things worked out You will come to understand what happens at each stage of growth and the responses that will determine the degree of your maturity in Christ.