Would it have been nice to know that what they've been calling demons this whole time have a name?
Would it have helped if they'd understood what the Sectarian Circle really did before they joined?
Does Ben seriously believe that demons are actually aliens hiding in an alternate dimension, trying to sustain themselves on human lives in more ways than one?
He has absolutely no idea.
Sworn into the Sectarian Circle and tagged with tracking devices against their will, Ben Peter, April, and Chase get an outrageous history lesson from a piece of tin, their first mission as official members of the Sectarian Circle, and a twisted glimpse of Richard Monday's capitalism-setting a price on human lives. Then Ben's mind-altering little chat with the Shaddor collective consciousness puts things into terrifying perspective.
To stop the approaching Gorafrim from taking absolutely everything, Ben Robinson has to be a little more than a human with a few Fell tricks up his sleeve. He and Ian are the bridge between worlds, and it's not going to be pretty.