The Challenge of Politics introduces students to the fundamental questions of political science. With a distinctive normative approach that portrays politics as a potentially humanizing enterprise, authors Neal Riemer, Douglas W. Simon and Joseph...
Political science is too often introduced to students as a segmented field. The Challenge of Politics instead shows how the subfields converge around a set of crucial questions: can we articulate a view of the good political life? Can we develop a science of politics to help...
How best to incorporate and tie together the philosophy, science, policies, subfields, and scholarly debates that constitute what we call "politics"? Challenge's unique normative approach, which emphasizes politics as a humanizing endeavor that relies on values and judgment,...
This work emphasizes the ethical, empirical, and prudential concerns of politics in a way that links chapters and effectively jump-starts student awareness. It aims to get students to question their assumptions and explore the impact of politics on citizens' daily lives.