A controlling partner may not always be easy to spot. While some may act overtly menacing, others may resort to subtle manipulation in an attempt to "keep you in check."
Perhaps it started out with your boyfriend wanting to spend all of his time with you and learning all the details of your life.
It felt great having so much attention. But somewhere along the line, it started feeling like a bit too much for you. It's hard to pin down exactly when.
What you do know is that you've been feeling increasingly hesitant about doing certain things on your own or making some decisions independently.
He was definitely controlling your emotions too. He can make you feel awful just by the way he speaks to you, or even with a tone of voice or a certain look. He knows how to make you feel good too, which doesn't happen very often these days. Then there's the drama and chaos, the problems and crises that wreak havoc on your emotions and keep you running from one end of the day to the other, leaving you physically exhausted with no time to rest or think. You feel you have to calculate every move around him.
So in this book THE CONTROLLING BOYFRIEND, we will have a closer look at the dynamics of a relationship with a controlling boyfriend and how specifically they set up the power imbalance from the very beginning and how they maintain the power and control throughout the relationship and what you can do about it.