The United States DoD (Department of Defense) is one of the largest employers in the world, with about 2.87 million employees. It spends more than a year among more than 350,000 contractors and subcontractors throughout its supply chain.
Information in the DoD network is shared digitally across the contractor and subcontractor supply chain, offering an irresistible target for nation-states and cyber criminals.
Protecting the DoD supply chain
The CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification) was developed to step up measures for protecting the DoD supply chain. Its objectives are to standardize cybersecurity controls and ensure that effective measures are in place to protect CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) on contractor systems and networks.
All companies doing business with the DoD, including subcontractors, must become certified by an independent third-party commercial certification organization.
Your essential guide to understanding the CMMC
To help you get to grips with the CMMC, this essential pocket guide covers:
Suitable for senior management and the C-suite, general or legal counsel, IT executives, IT organizations, and IT and security students, this pocket guide will give you a solid introduction to the CMMC and its requirements.