"A wealth of information in an engaging package." -- Kirkus Reviews Ever since George Washington used them to help topple the British, spies and their networks have helped and hurt America at key moments in history. In this fascinating collection, Paul B...
Finalist for the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults! From clothesline codes to surveillance satellites and cyber espionage, Paul B. Janeczko uncovers two centuries' worth of true spy stories in U.S. history. (Ages 12 and up)Ever since George Washington...
Finalist for the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults From clothesline codes to surveillance satellites and cyber espionage, Paul B. Janeczko uncovers two centuries' worth of true spy stories in U.S. history. (Ages 12 and up) Ever since George...
Finalist for the YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults From clothesline codes to surveillance satellites and cyber espionage, Paul B. Janeczko uncovers two centuries' worth of true spy stories in U.S. history. (Ages 12 and up) Ever since George...