Is your wardrobe on point? Are you a would-be fashionista? It's New York Fashion Week! Get into the glamour of it all with these sixteen fabulously fashionable reads.
ThriftBooks is ringing in a milestone anniversary this year—twenty! In celebration, here are twenty terrific book-to-screen adaptations, spanning a variety of genres, that have come out since we were born.
Spring may be around the corner, but these last few weeks of winter can feel endless. If you’re craving some warm weather and vitamin D, enjoy some virtual summer sun with one of these balmy, beachy books.
This month marks our eighteenth birthday here at ThriftBooks. As we transition into adulthood, we are celebrating by remembering some of the most popular books, music, and movies from 2003, the year we were born.
For all of our "get the last word in" readers (you know who you are!), here are some famous last lines to applaud, echo, laugh at, and think about.